Thursday 7 July 2011

Quito Colonial

This morning we walked around 'Quito Colonial' or the Old Town. A bit of history: Ecuador became part of the Inca Empire in 1500. The Spanish came in 1532 to it take over. However, the Inca general destroyed the city instead of giving it to the conquistadors. The Spanish rebuilt the city in 1534 and there lots of beautiful colonial buildings that remain in this part of the city.

Above is the Presidential Palace in the Plaza Grande.

Below is the Basilica del Voto Nacional. You can see it in the photos we posted from the hostel terrace as well. It's up on a hill and it's huge. Once inside, there is little regard for public safety and they let you climb up into the towers on super steep and sketchy stairs/ladders (not for those afraid of heights). but wow the view was amazing!

After the morning outing, we hustled back to our Spanish school for our cooking lesson! We made llapingachos - potato and cheese tortillas or pancakes. Served with a beet and carrot salad, avocado slices, beef, chorizo, and freshly made salsa. So yummy! we will definitely be having an Ecuadorian dinner party when we get home!

Our Spanish is coming along, but still lots to learn!
Tomorrow we'll check out the Guayasamin Museum (he's a famous Ecuadorian artist) before school. Then it's the weekend!
more later!

love m&s

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pictures! The weather looks really great. Remarkable architecture. Delicious looking dinner! Thanks for this very interesting history lesson. Grandma and Grandpa Blue say they are really enjoying reading your blog too.
