Tuesday 12 July 2011

El Mitad Del Mundo!

After our exhausting mountain climb on Saturday we weren't in the mood for anything too strenuous on Sunday.....so we decided to go to the Middle of the World! (the equator). We hopped on the local bus system and about an hour later (and 22km north of Quito) we were dropped off at El Mitad Del Mundo. At the equator, there is a monument, a few museums, several restaurants and a stage for live performances.

What did we do at the equator? The first order of business was to take the obligatory "I'm in two hemispheres at the same time!" pictures (See below). The next thing was to check out the monument....the monument had a large globe on the top of it and we couldn't help but notice a number of people trying to take the classic "i've got the world in my hands" photo (see below). First we had a good laugh at the idea....but then we decided to try it too (see below).

After the photoshoot was over it was lunchtime. We had a quick bite to eat and then went to check out the stage where there was some live music and dancing. The dance performances were put on by a youth dance group dressed up in full costume (see below). It was quite entertaining! After the formal dance performances were over the dancers grabbed some of the spectators and hit the dance floor. Shaina was lucky enough to be one of those spectators (see below).

After the dancing we decided to head back to Quito and call it a day.

On monday it was back to spanish classes in the afternoon. However in the morning we went for a nice walk through the northern part of the city to El Museo De Guyasamin (Ecuador's most famous painter). The walk provided some great views of the city and mountains and the art was great (we were not allowed to take pics though).

We are in spanish the rest of the week and are planning on heading to Mindo (a town in the cloud forests of the andes) on the weekend.

Love M&S

Marsh with left foot in northern hemisphere and right foot in southern hemisphere

Shaina walking the tight-rope on the equator

The monument and two people taking the "world in my hands" picture.

Shaina with the world in her hands!

The dancers
Shaina dancing!


  1. Hey Guys I heard that you are able to put an egg on a pin on the equator and stabilize it. Is that true? Also, due to magnetic, gravity (whatever :)) ) the turning direction of magnetic tools like campus changes on northern and southern hemisphere. Cool pics by the way!!! Have Fun!

  2. More equator nerdy comments: Is it correct to say that you are in different seasons when you straddle the equator? Also, if standing on the equator, you would be rotating the earth's axis at the highest average velocity per year, right?

  3. Haha :)) yup. I am a nerd :)

  4. I'm reading these posts to Rich right now, and he got a kick out of the pictures. I'd like to know if you remembered to pick up a pair of those pants the man dancers were wearing in that one pic. I think Rich would look great in them.
