Saturday 2 July 2011

Adios Toronto!

Hello and welcome to our blog on our travels throughout South America. We leave Toronto tomorrow afternoon (ayye!!) and arrive in Quito, Ecuador at 11:30pm.
We'll post as often as we can, and include pictures when internet connections allow us. (word on the street McDs has free wifi so marsh is pumped for plenty of south american nugs n shakes).
check back here often and send us comments or emails us with your own news!

also note that writing is not our strongest skill, so this will be more informative reading than wonderful creative writing. (we are engineers after all).

see you later alligators!
Marsh and Shaina


  1. Have a great time guys... There us free WiFi in McD's in 'murica, so hopefully they have it down there too...

  2. I hope that you update your blog more often than I do. Have a great time!

