Friday 19 August 2011

Disfrutar el Sol / Fun in the Sun

Hola amigos!

Esperamos que ustedes vayan bien! A petition, este post es en espanol. (No se preocupen, el ingles sigue!) Estamos en la costa de Ecuador. No hay internet en muchas lugares. Ahora, estamos en Canoa, una ciudad en la mitad de la costa. Vamos a contarles de nuestras aventuras desde nuestro ultimo post.

We hope you are all doing well! By request, this post is in Spanish. (Don’t worry the English follows). We are on the cost of Ecuador. There is no internet in most places. Right now, we’re in Canoa, a town in the middle of the coast. We’re going to tell you our adventures since the last post.

Pasamos un otro buen dia en Banos. Primero, fuimos en bicicleta 20 km en la Ruta de Cascadas y regresamos en bus. Despues, tomamos un bano de vapor en nuestra hostal. Se sienta en una caja individual por madera con las hojas de eucalipto y que llena con vapor. Se queda para 5 minutes, despues, se pone un toalla con agua fria sobre todo el cuerpo. Repetio 4 veces. Fue muy relajante y refrescante. Despues el bano de vapor, fuimos por masajes! Por el fin del dia, comimos en un restaurante Swiss, un fondue de res maravilloso! Que buen dia!

We spend another nice day in Banos. First, we biked 20 km on the ‘Route of the Waterfalls’ and came back by bus. Then we took a steam bath at our hostel. You sit in an individual wood box with eucalyptus leaves that fills with steam. You stay there for 5 minutes and then you put a towel with cold water over your whole body. You repeat 4 times. It was very relaxing and refreshing. After the steam bath, we went for massages! To end the day, we ate at a Swiss restaurant, an awesome steak fondue! What a good day!

El proximo dia, fuimos a Tena para ver la selva! No hicimos mucho, solo descansamos. Vamos a hacer un buen tour de la selva en Peru o Bolivia. El proximo dia, fuimos toda la ruta de la selva a la costa! Tomamos el bus de Tena a Quito, con una parada en Papallacta para banarnos en otros termales y para almorzar. Llegamos en Quito en la tarde, y matamos el tiempo hasta el bus salieron a las once de la noche a Atacames, en el norte de la costa. Llegamos a Atacames a las 5 de la manana, y tomamos un taxi a Sua, la vecina ciudad.

The next day, we went to Tena to see the jungle! We didn’t do much, just rested. We’re going to do a good jungle tour in Peru or Bolivia. The next day, we went all the way from the jungle to the coast! We took the bus from Tena to Quito, with a stop in Papallacta to soak in more hot springs and to eat lunch. We arrived in Quito in the afternoon, and we killed time until our bus left at 11pm to Atacames, in the north of the coast. We arrived in Atacames at 5am and took a taxi to Sua, the neighbouring town.

Andar en bicicleta en 'la Ruta de Cascadas' cerca de Banos
Bicycling on the Route of the Waterfalls near Banos

Sua fue tranquilo, con una playa mas o menos bonita. El hostal tuve un piscina! Estuvimos alegre para comer los mariscos frescos y la comida diferente de la sierra, pero el espanol en la costa esta mas dificil a entender. La gente no pronuncian los 's', por ejemplo, por "como estas" se dicen "como eta" Mas a aprender!

Sua was quiet, with a pretty nice beach. The hostel had a pool! We were happy to eat fresh seafood and different meals than in the highlands, but the Spanish on the coast is more difficult to understand. The people don’t pronounce ‘s’, for example, “como estas” (how are you), they say “como eta”. More to learn!

La playa en Sua / The beach en Sua

Pasamos un dia en la playa de Sua, despues continuamos a la promixa ciudad, Same. Same habia una playa mucha mas agradable. Nos quedamos en un muy buen hostal, junto a la playa, para dos dias.

Despues Same, continuamos al sur, hasta a la ciudad pequena Mompiche. Aqui, tomamos un clase de surf! Fue un buen lugar para aprender por que las olas fueron muy tranquilas. Ambos se subimos facilemente en la tabla de surf (con un empuje pequeno de nuestra profesor Jeferson). Nos gusto mucho el surf!

We spent one day on the beach in Sua, and then continued to the next city, Same (pronounced Sah-may). Same had a much nicer beach. We stayed in a really nice hostal, right on the beach, for 2 days.

After Same, we continued south, until the small town Mompiche. Here, we took a surf lesson! It was a good spot to learn because the waves aren’t rough. We both got up easily on the board (with a little push from our instructor Jeferson). We really liked it!

La vista de nuestra habitation en Same / The view from our room in Same

De Mompiche, vinimos a Canoa, donde estamos ahora. Los buses en la costa no son tan buenos como los en la sierra. Por ejemplo, de Mompiche a Canoa, esta mas o menos 150 km, pero el viaje fue 6 horas y necesitamos tomar 4 buses! La playa de Canoa esta nuestra favorita. Los olas son mas grandes y tomamos una otra clase de surf hoy.

From Mompiche, we came to Canoa, where we are now. The buses on the coast are not as good as those in the highlands. For example, from Mompiche to Canoa it’s about 150 km, but the trip took 6 hours and we had to take 4 buses! The beach in Canoa is our favourite. The waves are bigger and today we took another surf lesson.

La playa de Canoa / The beach in Canoa

Ayer fuimos al Finca Organica Rio Muchacho, 17 km de Canoa. Visitamos los jardines donde crecen frutas y vegetales, incluso el cafe y cacao. Vimos como functiona la finca, con banos de compostaje y reciclaje de agua. En la tarde, hicimos chocolate de cacao! Muy interesante y muy delicioso!

Yesterday we went to the Rio Muchacho Organic Farm, 17 km from Canoa. We visited the gardens where they grow all kinds of fruits and vegetables, including coffee and cocoa. We saw how the farm works, with composting toilets and recycled water. In the afternoon, we made chocolate from the cocoa seeds! Very cool and delicious!

Nos gusto tanto la finca que decidio ser voluntarios! Manana volvemos a la finca para un mes! Pasamos las mananas trabajando en la finca y las tardes hacemos actividades diferentes cada semana. Cada fin de semana, no hay trabajo, y podemos venir a la ciudad para usar internet y relajar. (No hay internet a la finca.) Vaya a para mas information.

We liked the farm so much that we decided to volunteer there! Tomorrow we go back to the farm for a month! We’ll spend the mornings working on the farm and the afternoons doing different activities each week. On the weekends, there is no work, and we can come into the city to use internet and relax. (There is no internet at the farm). Go to for more information.

Chocolate que hicimos en Rio Muchacho Finca Organica /
The chocolate we made at the Rio Muchacho Organic Farm
(Shaina is peeling the roasted cocoa seeds and Marsh is eating the chocolate with bananas)

Nos desean suerte!
Hasta la proxima semana,

Wish us luck!
Until next week,

Marsh and Shaina


  1. i was a little nervous when i started reading this post because i like ron burgandy can't speak spanish.

    also i'm super pumped you tried out surfing! i could definitely be convinced to go on a surf trip ...

  2. how impressive that you wrote the whole thing in Spanish!and it's not all in the present tense!!!
    sounds amazing, and the month on the farm is so exciting. Amany wants to have a big chat with you at some point about what you learned re organic farming.
    lots of love from here

  3. I'm jealous, really jealous.
